Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Blog site to accompany KUAR Public Radio program, the only program on radio today where the generations get together the first and third Tuesdays each month to compare and contrast their perspectives on a wide variety of topics.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Air Date: 12-18-07

Guests: Older Generation – Dr. Adjoa Aiyetoro – UALR Law Prof.

Middle Generation – Garbo Hearne – Hearne Fine Art Gallery

Younger Generation – Nicholas Norfolk – UALR student body

Chief Justice Student Assoc.

Phil’s Thoughts:

Of all the topics we have covered over the last 8 years, this is the first topic that only been experienced by the living generations. Kwanza was established in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga and has only been widely accepted for the last 15 to 20 years. So how has Kwanza faired in these early decades? For the most part it has been very slow to gain momentum. I suppose this is the case with any new celebration. For example, when Dr. King was assassinated it took several years before national attention was focused on a Dr. King holiday. We live in the fast paced present and sometimes we expect immediate results, but holiday celebrations take time to evolve into family and national traditions. Just look at the Christmas tree or even Santa Claus.

I asked my guests about the misconceptions surrounding Kwanza and there have been many. It is not a religious holiday, it is not only for African Americans and it is not based on gift giving. What it is is a wonderful family based celebration of future hope and confidence. I find it to be so refreshing and uplifting. I hope it grows to become as important as the other holidays. In fact, where I differ from my guests’ view of the future is that I see Kwanza’s message filtering into and overcoming the crass materialism of our current holiday habits. I hope that it becomes even more practiced by other peoples to the point where in some future years, Kwanza will be referred to as having its initial roots in the African American celebration, but becoming the main expression for many Americans.

My fear is that it will be swallowed up by religious groups and lose its non-religious focus. If that happens Kwanza will become diluted and as meaningless as the current holiday traditions. It may even take on materialism and expectations that render it weak.

Let’s hope not!

What do you think?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Topic - Pharmacy

Air Date 12-4-07 program #139

Older Generation - George Wimberley - former mayor of Little Rock 1971-76
88 years old- active pharmicist
Middle Generation - Mark Riley - Director Arkansas Pharmacists Association
Yonger Generation - Scott Pace - Associate Executive Director Arkansas
Pharmacists Association

Phil's thoughts -

While I enjoyed 88 year old George Wimberley speak about the work experience of Pharmacists during the depression era, I really wasn't surprised...just moved by his humanity. What I really was surprised to learn from all three guests was just how 'caught in the middle' our pharmacists are as it relates to the high cost of prescription drugs. It seems to me that these fine professionals are being surrounded by financial barriers that strangle their businesses while at the same time force their clients to forgo their services because of high costs.
I just assumed that the pharmacist was somehow excluded from the actual sacrifices required by these huge costs. However, they are really being crushed by big moneyed interests.
With more than 40% of our citizens unable to afford insurance, those that do are also caught in this deadly upward spiral that no one can escape.
How will my grandchildren be able to afford prescription drugs when they are middle and old aged? I don't see how they can. It almost sounds like we are inevitably headed toward a colapse of our health care services...especially for the middle and lower economic strata of our society.

What do you think?...